Decrease in clinician burnout, a lower cost of care, and more effective nurse-physician workflows are just some of the achievable results using the Synchrony Nursing Care Model for COVID-19 Recovery, from healthcare clinical performance management firm Reveal Solutions.

Orlando, Florida – April 20, 2020 – Reveal Solutions, a healthcare clinical performance management firm focused on helping acute care clinical leaders improve patient outcomes and clinician engagement, today announced Synchrony for COVID-19 Recovery for acute care hospitals.


Synchrony is a best practice framework specifically designed for achieving optimal performance with clinical care models. Synchrony for COVID-19 Recovery takes into account the unique impact of COVID-19 on acute care hospital environments.

Hospitals in the Southeastern and Southcentral US have largely avoided the bed capacity challenges experienced in New York and other hard-hit areas of the country. Yet, as the country begins preparing to phase back into “opening up”, the demand for acute care in hospitals is expected to rise.

“It’s an interesting season for hospital clinical leaders such as CNOs. While social distancing and postponement of elective care has created capacity for COVID-related demand, it’s temporary,” said Heather Long, MSN, BA, RN, Founder and CEO of Reveal Solutions. “As the country opens back up, demand for care will return with the added burden of COVID-related demand. It doesn’t go away. It may be less severe. Maybe not. Regardless, capacity for most acute care hospitals will be tested throughout 2020.”

Long believes the next few months represent a critical window of opportunity for hospital clinical leaders to prepare to be better in the delivery process of care. It’s why she created Synchrony for COVID-19 Recovery. She cited the importance of overcoming one chronic problem that drags down nursing engagement and workflow efficiency, while spiking direct labor costs.

“The screen trap is a real thing for nurses. Nurses spend an average of 3 hours per shift in front of a screen…not caring for patients,” said Long. “It’s not that documentation is bad. But playing part-time data clerk disrupts critical thinking and dulls that nurturing nature so important to a patient’s health.”

Nurses from New York, undisputed heroes currently serving on the COVID-19 frontline, recently describe the intense need to stay focused on caring for patients, minimizing their time in the EHR. Long added, “they are exactly right. While it’s tragic that we are in this crisis, it has shined a bright light on this need to claim a fresh approach in how we deliver care every day, and not just during a crisis. Take for example scribes, workflows, and checklists. While these things are not new (scribes for physicians have been successful for over a decade), scribes for nurses is fairly new. More importantly, how these three things work together in context of a best practice framework focused on exceptional outcomes…that is fresh and innovative.”

Long spent the better part of the last 3 decades working as a clinician in direct care and progressing to leadership roles including becoming the Chief Nurse Executive of an 11-hospital health system. Utilizing that progressive experience, she has now developed and proved out the Synchrony Nursing Care Model. Results under her leadership include employee engagement scores that increased from the 58th to 92nd percentile, while at the same time exceptional patient outcomes were achieved and proved sustainable.

According to Long, Synchrony empowers CNOs to unite the hearts and minds of nurses, so that nurses are more fulfilled and more effective. She says both are possible and both are necessary as hospitals recover from the pandemic.

When asked why hospital leaders need outside help improving their care model, Long said, “healthcare is a uniquely complex environment. For leaders, it’s hard to step outside the work while in it, to work on it, strategically, and then step back in and execute change. Choosing to entrust the right guide with inside experience and an outside voice helps them stay focused on the day-to-day while effectively driving meaningful change.”

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Peter Snell

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